Potty Training Puppy

How to potty train a puppyWhether you are in an apartment or house, puppy potty training is important to make sure your carpet isn’t ruined. The initial excitement around bringing home a new puppy has somewhat simmered due to their constant tendency to soil your floor and stain your carpet, fret not.

All you need to do is learn how to potty train your puppy and put these simple steps into practice. You’ll find that potty training your puppy is much simpler than you thought.

Also, if you live in an apartment, you could have some trouble potty training your puppy. But there is a way around everything, so keep reading below.


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First of all, understand and accept that puppies are going to go inside before being taught. Expecting a perfect performance overnight is not only unfair to your puppy but will also end up frustrating you. So take small, baby steps as you teach your little puppy about what is acceptable behaviour and what’s not. You will have to establish that peeing on the carpet or soiling the living room displeases you. This is the first step in potty training your puppy. So when this happens, make sure you point at it and say ‘No potty here! Bad dog!’ and use a firm tone.

Once you’ve done that, show you puppy what’s right. Take them outside – or if you live in an apartment, put on his leash and walk him outside. Point to the place where he can relieve himself and say once again ‘Potty here!’ Do not leave the spot until he’s finished his business.

Potty training puppies in apartments is a touch more difficult than training those in independent houses. But with a little patience and perseverance, this can be done. Soon, your puppy will start associating the leash with walks and potty and the next he wants to go.  Hopefully they’ll bring you the leash themself or pound on the door to indicate they needs to be taken out. The third point in how to potty train your puppy is cleaning the soiled area in the house with strong cleaning agents. Make sure that the scent is completely gone or your puppy will catch it and have a repeat performance.

It usually takes anywhere between three to six weeks for potty training your puppy and potty training puppies in apartments could take a little longer. But hang in there. You’ll soon get over your trouble potty training your puppy and before you know it, your puppy will come around. Good luck and happy potty training your puppy!


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