How to Teach a Puppy to Sit

how to teach a puppy to sitOnce you bring your new puppy into your home and finish with the fussing and the cuddling, one of the most important things you will need to do is learn how to teach a puppy to sit. This really is one of the first steps in puppy training.  It may seem like a trivial thing in the beginning, but goes a long way in ensuring that you have a disciplined adult dog that doesn’t pounce on food and visitors and leaves you alone while eating. Puppies respond well to treats, so when you begin learning how to train a puppy to sit, you might want to keep a treat handy.


Go close to your puppy and hold out the treat tightly. Hold it above your puppies nose so that he or she would have to lift their chin to reach it. Make sure your grasp is tight so that your puppy doesn’t steal it from you. As you go about training a puppy to sit, you will have to gently hold down his rear with your other hand and say ‘Sit’ so that he associates the action with the word.


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Once you’ve got your puppy sitting, praise them and offer him or her the treat. This is the first and most important step in the How to teach a puppy to sit program. Once your puppy has mastered this, it’s only uphill from there. Puppies have small attention spans, so make sure you repeat this ritual about three of four times a day, but while training a puppy to sit, ensure that each session does not last longer than fifteen minutes.


As you practice, if you find your puppy jumping at you for the treat, say ‘No’ and do not give your puppy the treat. This way, he or she will understand that jumping is not acceptable behaviour and he will lose their treat. This is again as important as the first step in the How to train a puppy to sit program and getting this wrong might mean you have a spoiled adult dog. So repeat the process, once again asking your puppy to sit and give them the treat as he or she obeys.


As the days go by in the How to teach a puppy to sit program, you might want to give the treats more sporadically, so that he doesn’t expect it every single time. As your puppy begins to fully master the art of sitting at your command, pull out the treat altogether. See? Training a puppy to sit needn’t be difficult at all. Happy training!


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