How to Stop a Puppy from Chewing

stop puppies chewing furniturePuppy chewing is one of the most common complaints that puppy owners make within the first few week. They want to know how to stop a puppy from chewing furniture, their expensive shoes and just about everything lying about the house but they don’t know how.

If you’re facing a similar problem with your new puppy chewing, you must first of all, understand that your puppy isn’t chewing your favourite things just to frustrate you. Puppies eat, play and explore the world around them with their mouths so chewing is what comes most naturally to them. The trick is in teaching not to chew the inappropriate things and there are a few proven ways in which you can stop puppies from chewing furniture and other things.


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You could begin by keeping things out of reach. Put shoes where they belong, inside the closet and keep all other gadgets and expensive items out of reach for the first few weeks. When you find that your puppy has chewed something inappropriate, point to it and scold him ‘Bad dog, no chewing!’ Puppies mostly chew when they are teething and if you really want to know how to stop a puppy from chewing, get him loads of chew toys and make him understand what is appropriate to chew and what is not. Chew toys are probably the best way to stop your puppy from chewing furniture and to stop your puppy from chewing altogether.

When providing him with chew toys though, do not give him an old shoe or a sock that is no longer in use. This will not help stop your puppy from chewing. The puppy cannot differentiate between old and new, so he’s bound to think that chewing shoes that smell of his owner is appropriate. So one of the important things to learn in the How to stop a puppy from chewing lesson, is providing your puppy with appropriate chew toys. Soon, you’ll notice that your puppy learns the difference and stopping your puppy from chewing furniture or teaching your puppy not to chew isn’t that difficult a task.

If you can’t be around to supervise your puppy in the initial weeks though, crate training maybe a good idea. This ensures that all your precious things are out of reach of the puppy and you can always supply him with chew toys inside the crate to keep him busy and help stop puppy from chewing furniture or anything else that’s inappropriate.

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