Toilet training your puppy

Toilet Training Your PuppyAmong the most frequently asked questions on puppy training, ‘How do I toilet train a puppy’ and ‘How long to toilet train a puppy’ are some of the most common ones. Puppy toilet training isn’t as difficult as it sounds and certainly doesn’t have to be daunting. It’s just important to keep a few things in mind as you toilet train your puppy and once you get that right, the process should be a piece of cake.

First of all, understand and acknowledge the fact that puppies are like babies and need to be taught everything from scratch. Expecting to toilet train your puppy overnight can be extremely unfair to your puppy and terribly frustrating for you. It’s about laying down the law and then reinforcing it again and again, till your puppy gets a hang of the rules. And this is entirely up to you.

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When your puppy soils your furniture or urinates in the living room, you could either give him a soft tap above his nose or just express your disapproval firmly. Say ‘Bad dog, no toilet inside, no, no, no!’ and then immediately take your puppy outside where he can do his business. This will teach you dog where they’re supposed to go when they want to relieve themselves. Of course, he is not going to understand that immediately, so hang around till he finishes and praise your puppy when he does. Puppy toilet training is all about reinforcement, so be patient.

Make sure you clean the area that have have soiled though, so that he doesn’t end up sniffing the scent and turning the place into his potty. When that happens, do not throw your hands up in frustration and scream ‘How do I toilet train a puppy.’ This is the case with all dog owners, so make sure you teach him again and again before you cry weakly for help saying ‘how long to toilet train a puppy’.

Usually it takes between three and six weeks, but there is no way to predict exactly how long it will take. But if you are consistent with your corrections and patient, you should be able to toilet train your puppy in no time. These are proven methods and known to succeed, so don’t give up no matter how impossible it seems in the initial weeks. Keep at it and you will be glad you made every effort to toilet train your puppy!

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