Stopping puppy biting

How to stop puppy biting is probably one of the most searched words on the internet by new puppy owners all around the world. This is because puppy biting is a problem that could become a serious one if you do nothing about it. Stopping puppy biting does not have to involve harsh methods or obedience training. It is a simple thing that you can get your puppy to do with a little effort. First of all, acknowledge that stopping your puppy from biting is vital to enjoying your canine companion. These simple techniques on how to stop puppy biting should help you wean your puppy of this habit.

When your puppy bites or nips you during play, you have to make it clear to him that it hurts you. Do this by saying ‘Ouch’ or yelping because this will get the same reaction from other puppies, so if he/she is too rough during play and they are likely to understand it. Of course, it’s impossible to stop puppy biting with just a few commands or yelps. You will have to understand that puppies are like babies and you will have to reinforce it over and over again.

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If your puppy does not stop biting even after your repeated commands, try walking away from your puppy and giving them the silent treatment. When your puppy understands that you are upset and that they have lost his playmate, your puppy is bound to behave. When your puppy does behave, treat them with a belly rub or a treat and make sure you praise them. Stopping puppy biting might seem impossible in the initial weeks, but you will need to begin training at least by 6 weeks. If not, the problem will persist and you might have a biting adult dog. As your puppy responds to your commands and yelps, get him a chew toy.

Chew toys are a great way to help teething puppies stop biting you. When you see a bite coming, just throw them a chew toy, so your puppy understands what they are allowed to bite and what’s out of limit. These are just some basic steps in How to get your puppy to stop biting. If your puppy is particularly aggressive, try some of the training courses that are featured on this site.  Secrets to dog training is a particularly good train guide.

Good luck on getting your puppy to stop biting

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